Labels:text | cartoon | animal | bear | book | mammal OCR: Introduction My Scrapbook History/Origin Hi, I'm Pat. Welcome to my dog scrapbook. Of all my pets, Prince is my favorite. Prince is a Shetland this was not the Sheepdog, or Sheltie for short. He way to choose a was not my first choice when I dog - never do it started looking for a pet dog. I purely out of pity). wanted a miniature toy dog like a Chihuahua - something I could put Luckily, Prince turned out to be perfect. in my bag and amaze my friends Although I never got my pocket dog, with. Fate decided otherwise. I was last year I got a miniature version of drawn to this cute skinny puppy 'Lassie', TV's famous Collie. Her which looked desperately in need of name is Queeny. Both of my dogs, a loving home (I learned later that one Sheltie and one Collie, belong to